An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

APHOTO Websites
A-P-H-O-T-O Websites
The APHOTO series of photographic websites that include APHOTOFLORA, APHOTOFAUNA and APHOTOFUNGI, were started by David Fenwick in 2004.

The first website in the series was APHOTOFLORA, the website was initially created to exhibit wildflower images taken locally in the Plymouth Area, but the area involved soon became much wider and in no time the website featured the flora of the whole of Devon and Cornwall. Due to the amount of time dedicated to the photography of wildflowers this website has become very comprehensive and displays a large portion of the Flora of the United Kingdom.

APHOTOFLORA originally included a few images of wildlife; these were removed about four years ago to a new domain that of APHOTOFAUNA. This website used to house all the images of marine wildlife, but these to have now been removed and form the basis for this new website.

APHOTOFUNGI was registered and started in November 2006 and is continually added to; and features many images of horticulturally important fungal diseases of plants, as well as the more typical mushrooms and toadstools.

All these websites have been created to exhibit an extremely wide range of wildlife photography. The websites try and exemplify the diversity that lies with both the animal and plant kingdoms and show those who visit the websites the flora and fauna that can be discovered. The websites have also been designed to be as educational as possible, easy to navigate and optimised fully with Google and other search engines.

A-P-H-O-T-O Websites

A-P-H-O-T-O - Wildlife Image Libraries





Other websites by David Fenwick

Stauromedusae UK

Roscadghill Parc Wildlife

The African Garden