Barnea parva
Little piddock
- interior / valves left and right 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc side view 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc side view 2
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc underside / foot 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc underside / foot 2
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc underside / foot 3
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- underside / foot and siphon 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- underside / foot and siphon 2
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc topside 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc topside 2
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc topside and siphon 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc topside 3
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- mollusc side view and siphon 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- left and right interior valves 1
Barnea parva
Little piddock
- left and right interior valves 2
The rocks in Cornwall are often too hard for rock boring molluscs, so this species is quite a rare find in the county, only being recorded 10 times in the county since the 1860s. The shell is much smaller than the Common piddock and also fragile, and easily broken. Shells may be found on the south coast of Cornwall where there are softer rocks e.g. around St. Austell Bay, Helford Passage and Mounts Bay area.
All photographs were taken in the Mounts Bay Area of Cornwall, near Penzance. Barnea parva was found to be frequenting the same habitat and found with Pholas dactylus, the Common piddock.
Also see Barnea candida, the White piddock.
Scientific and European Names:
Barnea parva, Pholas parva, Little piddock, Kleine boormossel.