Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view head of female 1
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view female 2
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- gnathopod 1 of female under microscope 1
Specimen above was found in a small sample of red algae collected on the lowershore at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 24.10.18.
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view 1
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view posterior 1
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view anterior 1
Species found on algae on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 09.05.17. Species generally found around the red alga Chondrus crispus at the location.
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view female 3
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- lateral view female 4
Specimen above was found under a rock on the lowershore at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 26.05.13.
Calliopiid amphipod
Apherusa cirrus
- amber coloured juvenile 1
The specimen above was found on washing Mastocarpus stellatus and other algae collected at low water in front of Penzance Promenade, Penzance, Cornwall, 24.07.20.
This species is usually a uniform colour and is usually a reddish-purple colour, especially when found on Mastocarpus stellatus or Chondrus crispus, but the species can also be found in shades of yellow, orange or brown.