Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- lateral view anterior male 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- antennae male 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- gnathopod 2 male 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- basis of gnathopod 2 male 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- gills male 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- lateral view male 2
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- in-situ / fouling community 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- in-situ / fouling community 2
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- lateral view head of male under microscope 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- gnathopod 1 of male under microscope 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- gnathopod 2 of male under microscope 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- gills of male / microscope 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- basis of gnathopod 2 of male under microscope 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- lateral view adult female 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- brood pouch female 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- female specimen with 0.1mm division rule 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- submerged side tyre fender 1
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- habitat / location 1
Numerous specimens, 50+, found on scraping hydroids, mainly Ectopleura larynx, off a car tyre used as a fender on a pontoon at Saltash Green, Saltash, Cornwall, Cornwall, 14.10.22.
Please note the 3rd article of the antenna 1 peduncle is longer in this species than half of the length of the 2nd article. This is how this smooth species of Caprella is told from other UK species. As seen in the images this species is covered in red / orange pigment spots.
Skeleton shrimp
Caprella equilibra
- antennae 1 articles male 1
Also note that caprellids can only be accurately identified by looking at adult male specimens.