An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Ericthonius punctatus (Bate, 1857) - An ischyrocerid amphipod (Amphipod images)
Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view posterior 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- in tube on algae 1

The images above represent a sub-adult male specimen found in a tube built on the red algae Cryptopleura ramosa, on the lowershore at Lariggan Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall, 29.12.16.

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view 2

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 2

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -2

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -3

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- antennae 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- lateral view anterior 3

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- gnathopod 2 -4

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- uropods 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1

Ischyrocerid amphipod
Ericthonius punctatus
- colony on tube worms 1

Specimen above which appears to be another sub-adult male was found on the lowershore in a colony attached to bedrock at Hannafore, Looe, Cornwall. 29.03.17.

Specimens above yet to be verified.

From WoRMS
Myers & McGrath (1984) stated that in often used books (e.g. Chevreux & Fage, 1925; Schellenberg, 1942 and Lincoln, 1979) the species Ericthonius punctatus is treated as E. brasiliensis.

Faasse, M.; Van Moorsel, G. (2000). Nieuwe en minder bekende vlokreeftjes van sublitorale harde bodems in het Deltagebied (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) [New and lesser-known amphipods of hard substrates in the Delta area of the Netherlands (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea)]. Ned. Faunist. Meded. 11: 19-44

Ericthonius punctatus ischyroceridae ischyrocerid amphipod Amphipoda Images
The main objective of this website is in furthering environmental awareness and education through the medium of photography. To increase awareness and access to the wildlife of the region and help
people find and identify it. Sometimes the difference between species is obvious but many species can only be determined by observing microscopic characteristics that are specific to any one species.