Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view juvenile male 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view juvenile male 2
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view gnathopods juvenile male 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view gnathopods juvenile male 2
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view gnathopod juvenile male 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view anterior of juvenile male 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view juvenile male 3
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- with 0.1mm division scale 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- habitat / location / extra low spring tide 1
Albert Pier reef, Penzance 31.03.21
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view anterior juvenile male under microscope 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- lateral view anterior juvenile male under microscope 1
Maerid amphipod
Quadrimaera species
- habitat / location / extra low spring tide 1
All the specimens above were found by the author, on washing developing holdfasts of Saccorhiza polyschides, Furbelows in a bucket and straining the sample through a small plastic kitchen sieve. Algae, crabs (Hairy and Long-clawed Porcelain), starfish, gastropods and fish are then removed before filling the container completely with fresh seawater before transport.
Both samples were collected below the low tide level during an extra low spring tide so it is best regarded a collection from the shallow sublittoral.