Bean-like tellin
Angulus fabula
- shell valve / exterior 2
Bean-like tellin
Angulus fabula
- shell valve / exterior with rule 1
Bean-like tellin
Angulus fabula
- shell valve / interior 1
Images of shells from a private collection in Cornwall. 13.05.12.
Previously recorded from Gillian Harbour, Helford Passage, Marazion, Polruan Pool, River Fal, St. Ives Bay, Mounts Bay, Cremyl and Porth Kidney Sands; Cornwall.
Scientific and European Names:
Angulus fabula, Tellina fabula, Fabulina fabula, Bean-like tellin, Stribet tallerkenmusling, Rechtsgestreepte dwarsschelp, Rechtsgestreepte platschelp, Telline, Telline strire, Bohnen-Plattmuschel, Gerippte Tellmuschel.
Location information provided by the author and from the ERICA records database for Cornwall. Scientific and Common Names used are largely gained from from the WoRMS Database.