Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- interior of top valve 1
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
radial grooves on fluted spines 1
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- adductor scar 1
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- interior top valve 2
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- exterior top valve 2
Cherry jewel box clam
Chama sarda
- Stone crab trap 1
A non-native species, a complete shell was found on a Stone crab trap that had drifted from Florida, USA to the Lesceave end of Praa Sands, near Helston, Cornwall. SW 58522 27590. 10.11.15. The bivalves Chama congregata and Isognomon bicolor, the Bicolor Purse-oyster were also found on the same stone crab trap. The bryozoan Akatopora tincta was also found in a crevice on the trap.
Species kindly identified by Rudiger Bieler and Paula Mikkelsen as Chama sarda.
There was a lot of confusion about the species here with many people saying it is Chama florida and others saying Chama congregata.