Baltic tellin
Macoma balthica
- shell valve interior 1
Baltic tellin
Macoma balthica
- shell 1
Baltic tellin
Macoma balthica
- shell inside 1
Species found and photographed at Par Beach, Par, near St. Austell, Cornwall.
Scientific and European Names:
Macoma balthica, Baltic tellin, Baltic macoma, Gewoon nonnetje, Nonnetje, Petit macoma, Telline baltique, Baltische plattmuschel, Baltische tellmuschel, Plattmuschel, Rote bohne.
APHOTOMARINE supports the independent Cornish ERICA database. A program licensed to independent recorders for a small fee that installs on a PC and gives full access to records and the history of Cornish recording. ERICA is an invaluable tool for researchers, recorders and those interested in the distribution of wildlife in Cornwall.
Images and species records on this page may not be used by Cornwall Wildlife Trust or ERCCIS.