Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- live animal taken from Botrylloides violaceus test 2
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- live animal taken from Botrylloides violaceus test 3
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- juvenile on Ascidiella aspersa 1
Specimen above was found in the test of the non-native ascidian Botrylloides violaceus found on Saccharina latissima, Sugar kelp, at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall, 29.09.20. Also on the tunicate Ascidiella aspersa, 07.10.20.
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- under stone 1
Marbled crenella
Musculus subpictus
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Specimen above found at Lariggan Rocks, Wherrytown, Penzance, Cornwall. November 2011; also found at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, nestled into sea squirts.
Scientific and European Names:
Musculus subpictus, Modiolarca subpicta, Modiolarca tumida, Musculus marmoratus, Marbled crenella, Marmoreret musculusand, Gemarmerde streepschelp.