Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valves 2
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valve 1
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valve 2
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- paddles 1
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- wood / timber / habitat 1
Species found on a low spring tide south-west of Chyandour Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 31.08.11.
Also see - Shipworms General
The fossilised timber in which the shipworms are found looks to be part of an ancient lake bed. Hazelnuts and Alder have been identified from this area, which largely consists of peat into which branches and tree bows have fallen. The area, if not covered by sand, can be located by proceeding to the low tide mark on a low spring tide, its easterly extent is in line with the right hand side of the railway signalbox on looking back to the shore. The area extends 50m to the west towards Penzance harbour.
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valves 1
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valves 2
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- shell valve pair 1
Nototeredo norvagica
Norway shipworm
- species comparison 1
Photographs of a collection of Nototeredo norvagica shells from Church Bay, Anglesey, North Wales. SH301894. 11.12.06.
Scientific and European Names:
Nototeredo norvagica, Nototeredo norvegica, Nototeredo norvagicus, Teredo norvagica, Teredo norvagicus, Norway shipworm, Noorse paalworm, Teredinidae.
Images featured of this species were not taken in the Devon and Cornwall region. The images are of shells kindly loaded to me for the purposes of study, and after finding shipworms locally in Penzance.
Shipworms are notoriously difficult to identify and almost impossible to identify with any surity in the field. It is hoped that in providing a range of images of species here it may well help people identify and record species of shipworm, or at least give them a better idea of what they dealing with.
There are currently 12 species of shipworms that have been found in the UK, some are considered native, some are not. I say currently because there's always the chance of finding something new on wood that has floated around the Atlantic for some time.
Species found in the UK -
Lyrodus bipartitus
Lyrodus pedicellatus
Psiloteredo megotara
Teredo navalis
Teredora malleolus
Teredothyra excavata
Bankia bipennata
Bankia fimbriatula
Bankia gouldi
Nausitora fusticula
Nototeredo norvagica
Spathoteredo spatha
If anyone has material of species not featured here and are prepared to loan them to me, please get in touch. E-Mail.
A big thank you to Dr. Jan Light of the Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland for help with this page.