Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- live animal 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- hinge side / live animal 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- mouth / live animal 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- on rock with hole 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphons / live animal 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- bore holes in slate 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- bore hole in Mylor slate 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- bore holes in Mylor slate 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- colony in Mylor slate 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- bore holes in peat pebble 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell 2
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell 3
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell 4
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell 5
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shells 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shells 2
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shells 3
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shell interior 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- shells interior 2
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon out of water 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon out of water 2
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon seen underwater 1
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon seen underwater 2
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon seen underwater 3
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon seen underwater 4
Pholas dactylus
Common piddock
- siphon seen underwater 5
The rocks in Cornwall are often too hard for this striking rock boring mollusc, so it is a rare find in the county. The shell itself is beautiful marked but it is also quite fragile, and easily broken. Shells are found on the south coast where there are softer rocks e.g. around St. Austell Bay, Helford Passage and Mounts Bay, where they are found in degraded Mylor Slate, fossilised timber and submarine peat deposits.
Photographs were taken in the St. Austell Bay Area of Cornwall, where new sites for this species have recently been found; and at Chyandour Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall.
Scientific and European Names:
Pholas dactylus, Common piddock, Gewone boormossel, Pholade, gite, Grande pholade, Dattelmuschel, Grose bohrmuschel, Dattero bianco.