Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- in pool / underwater 1
Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- in pool / underwater 2
Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- out of water 1
Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- out of water 2
Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- out of water 3
Bushy Noduled Wrack
Treptacantha nodicaulis
- close-up 1
Images taken on the lowershore, in Mid-May, at Spit Point, near Par, St. Austell, Cornwall, 17.05.10.
Note the colour change underwater, and just like Carpodesmia tamariscifolia, the Bushy Rainbow wrack, which can be found in many middle to lowershore pools right along the south coast of Cornwall.
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