Specimen above found growing intertidally in a lowershore pool amongst small red algal species, other bryozoans and worm tubes at the reef south of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall. 16.10.15.
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 1
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 2
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 3
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 4
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 5
Ctenostome bryozoan
Amathia lendigera
- on Halidrys siliquosa 6
Specimen above found on a piece of Sea Oak, Halidrys siliquosa, a brown seaweed, that was found washed-up under the fish market at Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 02.01.14.