Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- close-up 2
Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- close-up 3
Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- colony 1
Species found inside a Dog cockle, Glycymeris glycymeris, valve at Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 05.01.14. Dog cockle valve was most likely dredged from another locality, and deeper water. Live Dog cockles have not been found in Newlyn Harbour.
Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- colony 2
Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- close-up 4
Cyclostome bryozoan
Plagioecia sarniensis
- close-up 5
Species found on a plastic car wheel hub cover that was washed-up near Marazion, Cornwall. 11.01.14.