An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Epistylididae ? - An epibiotic ciliate protozoan on the polychaete worm Phyllodoce mucosa
Epistylididae ?
Epibiotic ciliate protozoan
- on Phyllodoce paddles 1

Epistylididae ?
Epibiotic ciliate protozoan
- on Phyllodoce paddles 2

Epistylididae ?
Epibiotic ciliate protozoan
- on Phyllodoce paddles 3

Species found on paddles of the marine polychaete Phyllodoce mucosa. Phyllodoce mucosa found in a sample containing Coral Weed and trapped sediment, taken close to the low tide mark on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 03.06.15.

There is a possible reference to this species in McIntosh's Monograph of British Annelids, 1908, p. 45; quote "Gravier met with colonies of Vorticella on Phyllodoce mucosa".

Dr. Genoveva Esteban states that Vorticella-type organisms are commonly found living on the surface of worms, ostracods, copepods etc. in marine and freshwater habitats.

Here I must thank Dr. Genoveva Esteban of the University of Bournemouth and Dr. Andrew Mackie of the National Museum of Wales for providing information.

Epistylis Epistylididae Epistylidid ciliate protozoan on annelid Phyllodoce mucosa Vorticellidae Ciliophora images
The main objective of this website is in furthering environmental awareness and education through the medium of photography. To increase awareness and access to the wildlife of the region and help
people find and identify it. Sometimes the difference between species is obvious but many species can only be determined by observing microscopic characteristics that are specific to any one species.