Epistylididae ?
Epibiotic ciliate protozoan
- on Phyllodoce paddles 2
Epistylididae ?
Epibiotic ciliate protozoan
- on Phyllodoce paddles 3
Species found on paddles of the marine polychaete Phyllodoce mucosa. Phyllodoce mucosa found in a sample containing Coral Weed and trapped sediment, taken close to the low tide mark on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 03.06.15.
There is a possible reference to this species in McIntosh's Monograph of British Annelids, 1908, p. 45; quote "Gravier met with colonies of Vorticella on Phyllodoce mucosa".
Dr. Genoveva Esteban states that Vorticella-type organisms are commonly found living on the surface of worms, ostracods, copepods etc. in marine and freshwater habitats.
Here I must thank Dr. Genoveva Esteban of the University of Bournemouth and Dr. Andrew Mackie of the National Museum of Wales for providing information.