Specimen above was found on sand on the lowershore near Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall, 17.09.20.
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal choosing shell 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal choosing shell 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal choosing shell 3
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal choosing shell 4
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- eyes 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- eyes 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- side view eye 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- larger right claw 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- larger right claw 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- rear claw 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- tip of abdomen 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- tip of abdomen close-up 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- eggs 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- eggs 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- eggs 3
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal without shell 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- animal without shell 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- side view 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- face view 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- face view 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- face view / in pool 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- macro view of claw 1
A very widespread animal, images taken across the south coast of both Devon and Cornwall. Large specimens can usually be found at extreme low tide living in large whelk shells in suitable locations, such as at Helford, Fal, Tamar and Lynher Estuaries.
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- in mouth of shell 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- in mouth of shell 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- collection of hermit crabs 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- habitat / location 1
Specimens above were found on the low tide mark of a spring tide at Ifracombe, North Devon, 21.09.17. Three crabs were found using shells of Colus gracilis, the Slender spindle shell.
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- juvenile in tube worm shell 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- juvenile in tube worm shell 2
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- juvenile in tube worm shell 3
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- juvenile two moths later 1
Common hermit crab
Pagurus bernhardus
- juvenile two moths later 2
The above images represent a tiny specimen in a worm tube found at Westward Ho!, Devon on 29.05.17. It was sent to the author by the finder for purpose of identification. The specimen was grown on in a tank, being fed polychaete worms, provided with suitable shells and two months later after four shell changes could be identified as Pagurus bernhardus. Thanks to Jan Whittington for sending the small hermit crab, as it was interesting to see that small individuals use worm tubes as well as shells.
Scientific and European Names:
Pagurus bernhardus, Common hermit crab, Heremietkreeft, Bernard-l'ermite commun, Bernhardskrebs.