Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- part of colony on black
acrylic background 2
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- part of colony on black
acrylic background 3
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- part of colony on white
acrylic background 1
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- part of colony on white
acrylic background 2
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- part of colony on white
acrylic background 3
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- under microscope 1
Witches' Butter
Nostoc commune
- under microscope 2
A terrestrial species that can be found close to the strandline or banks or tidal rivers. Here, photographed near the tidal part of the River Parrett in Bridgwater, Somerset, 27.12.16.
Nostoc commune is known as a 'form', as it is likely it consists of a number of species.