Goblet worm
Loxosomella species
- on Aplysilla rosea 2
Goblet worm
Loxosomella species
- on Aplysilla rosea 3
Goblet worm
Loxosomella species
- on Aplysilla rosea 4
Goblet worm
Loxosomella species
- on Aplysilla rosea 5
Species found on Aplysilla rosea, under rocks in a pool on the lowershore at Little London, Marazion, Cornwall. 28.08.14.
Genus kindly identified by Profesor Claus Nielsen. 29.08.14.
Loxosomella teissieri occurs on the sponge Dysidea fragilis in the UK. The species here may be this one, more needs to be done to confirm this.