Buliminid foram
Bulimia gibba or elongata
- greyscale 1
Buliminid foram
Bulimia gibba or elongata
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Buliminid foram
Bulimia gibba or elongata
- phase contrast with rule 1
Specimen, which I think might be Stainforthia fusiformis, was found with other forams in the sediment left over from sampling marine fouling on a pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 25.07.15.
Specimen here is approx 0.3mm in length and 0.2mm wide. Under the transmitted light of a LED light ring, under a stereomicroscope, the species here appeared much paler than is seen in the photographs. Species appeared to be translucent and near white in colour.
Specimen appears to be 129 and 130, Plate V, Bulimina pupoides var. fusiformis in Recent Foraminifera, Williamson, 1858. Fursenkoina fusiformis in British Nearshore Foramiferids, Murray 1979.