![Chaetomorpha melagonium Glaucous Brick Weed Green seaweed images](images/seaweed/green_seaweed_chaetomorpha_melagonium_26-10-14_1.jpg)
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- in uppershore pool 2
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- in uppershore pool 3
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- in uppershore pool 4
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- in uppershore pool 5
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- close-up with holdfast 1
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- close-up of cells 1
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- close-up with mm scale 1
Glaucous Brick Weed
Chaetomorpha melagonium
- close-up with mm scale 2
Species found fringing a small pool under a drainage pipe on the high uppershore at Battery Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 26.10.14.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.