Lekanesphaera hookeri
- dorsal view 2
Lekanesphaera hookeri
- ventral view 1
Lekanesphaera hookeri
- pleotelson 1
Lekanesphaera hookeri
- ventral view posterior 1
Lekanesphaera hookeri
- habitat / location 1
Lekanesphaera hookeri
- habitat / location 2
Numerous specimens found under debris and burrowed in the bank of tidal pools at The Pill, Northam Burrows Country Park, Westward Ho!, Devon, 08.04.17. The pools in question are probably only flooded on high spring tides. The amphipod Corophium volutator and a female pregnant Three-spined stickleback were also found in the same pool.
As with most matters relating to isopods, I'd like to thank Dr. David Holdich for his help here with the determination. The typical parallel papillation isn't as marked in the specimen above as it could be, but the pleotelson is level with the end of the endopods as it should be in L. hookeri.