![Thoracochaeta zosterae Seaweed fly Insecta Marine Arthropod Diptera Images](images/marine_insects/marine_fly_thoracochaeta_zosterae_17-12-16_1.jpg)
Seaweed fly
Thoracochaeta zosterae
- dorsal view 1
Seaweed fly
Thoracochaeta zosterae
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Seaweed fly
Thoracochaeta zosterae
- wing 1
Seaweed fly
Thoracochaeta zosterae
- dorsal view on sand 1
Seaweed fly
Thoracochaeta zosterae
- lateral view on sand 1
Numerous flies seen flying around just above the high water mark at Gyllyngvase beach, Falmouth, Cornwall. 17.12.16.
The flies, accompanied by Staphylinid / Rove beetles, were flying around in such numbers that they caused a nuisance.