Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 17.07.20
- an epiphyte on Ceramium 2
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 17.07.20
- an epiphyte on Ceramium 3
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 17.07.20
- an epiphyte on Ceramium 4
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 17.07.20
- an epiphyte on Ceramium 5
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 17.07.20
- an epiphyte on Ceramium 6
The specimen above was found on side of pontoon at the marina, Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 17.07.20. In-situ this specimen had the appearance of a larger species of algae.
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 11.01.15
- an epiphyte on red algae 1
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 11.01.15
- an epiphyte on red algae 2
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 11.01.15
- an epiphyte on red algae 3
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 11.01.15
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Red seaweed
Acrochaetioid algae 11.01.15
- cells at tip of frond 1
The acrochaetioid algae above was found growing epiphytically on another algae in a lowershore pool at Great Hogus, Marazion, Cornwall. 11.01.15.
Red seaweed
Audouinella thuretii ?
- fruiting bodies 1
Red seaweed
Audouinella thuretii ?
- fruiting bodies 2
Red seaweed
Audouinella thuretii ?
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Red seaweed
Audouinella thuretii ?
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
The acrochaetioid algae above which might be Audouinella thuretii, it was found growing as an epiphyte on the red algae Cystoclonium purpureum, which was found as a drift weed at Lariggan Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 06.08.16.
Acrochaetioid algae cannot really be identified from images and apparently even with samples some cannot be reliably identified by experts. Images are placed here merely to illustrate examples of acrochaetioid algae.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.