Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
with 1.0mm division rule 1
Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
- apices 1
Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
- single-celled spines 1
Specimen above found at Lee Bay, North Devon, 20.09.17.
Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
- apices and spines
with 0.1mm division rule 1
Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
- apices and spines
with 0.1mm division rule 2
Simply Spined
Banded Pincer Weed
Ceramium echionotum
- apices and spines
with 0.1mm division rule 3
Species found in a sample of fouling scraped from a pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 17.05.16.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.