Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- thallus 1
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- with 1.0mm division rule 1
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- with 1.0mm division rule 2
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- frond 1
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- under microscope 1
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- under microscope 2
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- under microscope 3
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Specimen above found attached to bedrock near the base of the pillar for Brunel's railway bridge, on an extra low tide at Saltash, Cornwall, 04.03.18.
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- lowershore / on mussels 1
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- lowershore / on mussels 2
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- lowershore / on mussels 3
Most Graceful Elegant
Small Bush Weed
Compsothamnion gracillimum
- lowershore habitat 1
Images taken on the lowershore, on an extreme low tide at Henn Point, near Saltash, Cornwall; where the River Lynher meets the River Tamar. 29.03.06.
Scientific and European Names:
Compsothamnion gracillimum, Most Graceful Elegant Small Bush Weed.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.