Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- thallus 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- thalli 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- branches 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- in-situ close-up 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- in-situ close-up 2
Specimens above found on pontoons at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 12.02.15 and 09.02.18.
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- thallus with holdfast 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tips 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tips 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tips 3
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tip 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- part of frond of old plant 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- part of frond of old plant 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- fruiting body 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- fruiting body 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- juvenile plant in pool 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- juvenile plant in pool 2
Specimens above found on the lowershore on an extreme low water spring, under South Pier, Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall, 25.01.15.
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- mature plant underwater 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- mature plant underwater 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- with epibionts 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- with epibionts 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- with epibionts 3
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat at Godrevy Point 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat at Godrevy Point 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat at Godrevy Point 3
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat at Godrevy Point 4
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat at Godrevy Point 5
A large colony was found at Godrevy Point, near Hayle, Cornwall, 18.05.18, also photographed 27.09.18.
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tip Skilly 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- frond tip Skilly 2
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- habitat / location 1
Numerous mature specimens found attached to bedrock in a pool on the lowershore at Skilly, south of Newlyn, Cornwall, 22.03.18 (habitat images above) and 26.04.21 (algae images).
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- dried / driftweed 1
Captain Pike's Weed
Pikea californica
- dried / driftweed 2
Specimen above has dried after washing-up on rocks near the river at Newlyn, Cornwall, 27.08.18.
The species has up until now only been recorded from the Isles of Scilly, the records above represent the first records of this species from the UK mainland. The species comes from the Pacific coasts of North America and Japan. The species is thought to have arrived in the Isles of Scilly on the anchors of Flying Boats during WWII, so it has taken 70 years to reach the mainland. Another Isles of Scilly marine species, the Orange peel sea mat, was found in Penzance at roughly the same time. The transport could be linked to unusual weather events, or the fouling of vessels, or fishing equipment.
In "An Atlantic Population of Pikea californica (Dumontiaceae, Rhodophyta)" by Christine A. Maggs and Michael D. Guiry, it is stated that Pikea californica was the cover dominant at some wave-exposed sites and also grew on Laminaria hyperborea, and was found on pebbles at -7m below Chart Datum on the Isles of Scilly.
One of the new mainland sites at Newlyn, Cornwall, was visited on the 28.01.17 and as well as growing on bedrock within 1-2m of the north side of South Pier wall at Newlyn, Pikea californica was also growing as an epiphyte on Cystoseira baccata approx. 10m away from the harbour wall. How important Cystoseira baccata might be for Pikea californica at that location is unknown because the tide didn't go down far enough to assess, but bedrock, Laminaria hyperborea and Cystoseira baccata should now be considered when looking for or montoring the future spread of Pikea californica.
Fauna supported by Pikea californica at Newlyn, Cornwall by David Fenwick 24.02.15.
Sample size, four mature Pikea californica plants. Plants collected for their size, but randomly sourced from outside the north pier at Newlyn Harbour.
Outcome. About 30 species were found to be supported by Pikea californica in some way, a more detailed study will no doubt find the species supports more species, especially later in the year when the water warms.
Pikea californica has also be found to support stauromedusae, on the Isles of Scilly [Ref. A. Gall (NE)].
Species associated with Pikea californica at the base of North Pier Newlyn, Cornwall.
Acervulina inhaerens
Massilina secans
Leucosolenia species
Sycon ciliatum
Synoicum incrustatum
Clytia hemisphaerica
Coryne muscoides
Oerstedia dorsalis
Oerstedia sp. ?
Amphiglena mediterranea
Nereididae (juvenile)
Pedicellina cernua
Pedicellina nutans
Stenothoe monoculoides
Podocerus variegatus
Dynamene bidentata
Idotea sp. (juvenile)
Stenosoma lancifer
Achelia species
Endeis spinosa
Patella pellucida
Littorina species (juvenile L. fabalis / obtusata)
Rissoa parva
Facelina auriculata
Celleporella hyalina
Electra pilosa
Scruparia chelata
Tubulipora species
Walkeria uva ?
Trididemnum cereum
Aplidium pallidum
At Godrevy Point near Hayle, Cornwall, the following species were found associated with Pikea californica, Fenwick 18.05.18.
Crisilla semistriata - Abundant
Tricolia pullus - Abundant
Trivia arctica
Rissoa parva - Abundant
Patella pellucida - Juveniles Abundant
Skeneopsis planorbis
Musculus subpictus
Polycera quadrilineata x34
Aegires punctilucens x1
Astacilla danmoniensis
Idotea granulosa
Idotea sp. - Juveniles Abundant
Munna kroyeri
Podocerus variegatus
Caprella acanthifera
Caprella penantis
Stenothoe monoculoides
Axionice maculata
Proceraea aurantiaca
Proceraea picta
Eusyllis blomstrandi
Fabricia sp. - Abundant
Eumida sanguinea
Eumida sp.
Platynereis dumerilii
Exogone naidina
Syllis armillaris
Nicolea venustula
Oerstedia dorsalis - Abundant
Tetrastemma coronatum
Tetrastemma herouardi
Tetrastemma vermiculus
Astrotorhynchus bifidus
Convoluta convoluta
Plagiostomum vittatum
Vorticeros auriculatum
Pedicellina cernua
Craterolophus convolvulus
Electra pilosa
Crisia denticulata
Crisia aculeata
Clytia hemisphaerica
Grantia compressa
Lobatula lobatula
Rosalina globularis
Botryllus schlosseri
Synoicum incrustatum
See Mike Guiry's Seaweed Site page on Pikea californica for further information about the species.
AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.