Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- collection of shells 1
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- shell underside 1
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- animal underside / foot 1
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- animal underside / foot 2
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- animal underside / foot 3
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- animal inside kelp holdfast 1
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- animal inside kelp holdfast 2
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- live animal 1
Blue-rayed limpet
Patella pellucida
- live animal 2
Images here are of those once regarded as Helcion pellucidum var. laevis.
A small species of limpet usually less than half inch in length but can grow to an inch. Live animals can be commonly seen on the lower shore feeding on kelp, it's beautiful blue markings are most striking. The shells are quite brittle and break easily and are found along the high tide mark. This species is common on both north and south coasts.
Images taken on both north and south coasts of the Westcountry; a common find at the extreme low water mark. Images of live animal found in a kelp holdfast were taken at Sennen Cove, Cornwall.
Scientific and European Names:
Patella pellucida, Ansates pellucida, Helcion pellucidum, Blue-rayed Limpet, Blauwgestreepte Schaalhoren, Gladde Schaalhoren, Helcion Transparent, Patine.