An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

A-P-H-O-T-O Wildlife Stock Image Library
Vitreolina n. sp. (Vitreolina incurva auct.) - A eulimid snail (Marine snail images)
Eulimid snail
Vitreolina incurva auct.
- under rock / lowershore pool 1

Eulimid snail
Vitreolina incurva auct.
- under rock / lowershore pool 2

Specimen above found under a rock with an aggregation of Crisilla semistriata, on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 21.03.12.

Eulimid snail
Vitreolina incurva auct.
- under rock / lowershore pool 3

Specimen above found under a rock with the Sea Gherkin, Pawsonia saxicola, on the lowershore at Chimney Rocks, Penzance, Cornwall. 27.02.13.

Specimens kindly identified by Jakov Prkić, who said the following about the specimen. "Snail found amongst an aggregation of Crisilla semistriata most probably belongs to the ophiuroid parasite that I call Vitreolina n.sp. 1. You can call it V. incurva or V. incurva auct., because there are no published papers in which the nomenclatural problem of V. philippi-incurva complex would be solved. So, currently is accepted that V. incurva is an ophiuroid parasite and V. philippi is a sea urchin parasite. These two species have almost identical shell, but they can be recognized by distribution of those red spots on their animals. The ophiuroid parasite has the red spots limited to the last 1-1,5 whorls, while the sea urchin parasite has these spots distribuited all over the animal (in all the whorls). Colour of the animals is variable in both species, but a difference in the distribution of red spots is constant and diagnostic."

APHOTOMARINE supports open source data recording and sharing for the benefit of wildlife, recorders, research, science and education. The project recommends the following websites and works with the following bodies and organisations.

Vitreolina n. sp. Vitreolina incurva auct eulimid snail marine snail images
The main objective of this website is in furthering environmental awareness and education through the medium of photography. To increase awareness and access to the wildlife of the region and help
people find and identify it. Sometimes the difference between species is obvious but many species can only be determined by observing microscopic characteristics that are specific to any one species.