Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- anterior segments 1
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- head close-up 2
Specimen above found in a sample taken from a pontoon at Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. 20.10.14.
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- anterior dorsal view 1
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- anterior dorsal view 2
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- dorsal view head 1
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- posterior dorsal view 1
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- trepan 1
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- proventriculus 1
Specimen above found in a sample taken from a pontoon at a marina in Falmouth, Cornwall. 30.06.15.
Syllid worm
Eusyllis blomstrandi
- in mucus tube on algae 1
Specimen above found in a sample taken from a rockpool at the south end of Fistral Beach, Newquay, Cornwall. 16.10.15.