Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- lateral view in pool 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- lateral view in pool 2
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- worm in container 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- worms in container 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- out of water on oyster shell 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- anterior showing gills 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- close-up branched gills 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- habitat / location 1
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- habitat / location 2
Terebellid or spaghetti worm
Neoamphitrite figulus
- habitat / location 3
The specimens above were found in sediment on the lowershore at Henn Point, Saltash, Cornwall, 03.02.22.