Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- dorsal view 2
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- dorsal view 3
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- dorsal view head 1
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- dorsal view head 2
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- ventral view head 1
Species found in a sediment sample consisting largely of sponges, sea squirts, barnacles, small nudibranchs, nemertean and annelid worms. Sample was collected from the concrete supports of the slipway in the SW corners of Newlyn Harbour, Newlyn, Cornwall. 04.03.15.
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- worm 1
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- worm 2
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- dorsal view head 3
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- ventral view head 2
The specimen above was found in a 300mm x 300mm scrape sample of Corallina officinalis, Coral Weed, in an area of seepage below a pool on the lowershore at Skilly, near Newlyn, Cornwall, 29.05.18.
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- juvenile - dorsal view 1
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- juvenile - dorsal view head 1
Football jersey worm
Tubulanus annulatus
- juvenile - dorsal view head 2
The juvenile specimen above was found on the plastic collar of a lobster pot washed up on the shore at Sennen Cove, Cornwall, 18.01.18.