Oedicerotid amphipod
Synchelidium maculatum
- lateral view of gnathopod 1 -1
Oedicerotid amphipod
Synchelidium maculatum
- lateral view of gnathopod 1 -2
Oedicerotid amphipod
Synchelidium maculatum
- lateral view of gnathopod 1 -1
The dead female specimen above was found on sieving clean sand at the low tide near Western Cressars reef, Penzance, Cornwall, 07.07.20.
Care must be taken with identifying this species, even microscopically, as it can be easily confused with Pontocrates altamarinus, it is visually very similar indeed. Pontocrates altamarinus is also likely to occur with species of Synchelidium. Synchelidium has a very distinct gnathopod 1.