Harpacticoid copepod
Diarthrodes feldmanni
- mining Cryptopleura ramosa / under microscope 2
Specimen above was found on sampling algae at Skilly, south of Newlyn, Cornwall. 16.08.18.
Harpacticoid copepod
Diarthrodes feldmanni
- mining Cryptopleura ramosa 3
Harpacticoid copepod
Diarthrodes feldmanni
- with 0.1mm division rule 1
Harpacticoid copepod
Diarthrodes feldmanni
- with 0.1mm division rule 2
Harpacticoid copepod
Diarthrodes feldmanni
- under microscope 1
Specimen above was found whilst sampling algae at Albert Pier reef, Penzance, Cornwall. 22.01.15.
Identification of Diarthrodes feldmanni is based on a paper entitled Harpacticoid copepods – their symbiotic associations and biogenic substrata: a review by Rony Huys. Zootaxa 4174 (1): p.472.