Copepods parasitic on fishes
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder)
Chondracanthidae (Family)
Acanthochondria cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse of Plaice
Lernentoma asellina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- A parasitic copepod, here on Red Gurnard
Taeniacanthidae (Family)
Anchistrotos zeugopteri (Scott T., 1902)
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Common Topknot
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order)
Caligidae (Family)
Caligus brevipedis Bassett-Smith, 1896
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse of Shore Rockling
Caligus centrodonti Baird, 1850
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Ballan Wrasse
Caligus curtus O. F. Müller, 1785
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Plaice
Caligus elongatus Nordmann, 1832 ?
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Garfish
Caligus pelamydis Krøyer, 1863
- A parasitic copepod found on gills
of Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scombrus
Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A copepod parasite or Sea louse found on Plaice
Lernaeopodidae (Family)
Clavella adunca (Strøm, 1762)
- A parasitic copepod or Sea louse of Cod
Pennellidae (Family)
Lernaeocera branchialis (Linnaeus, 1767) - Cod worm
Copepods in sea squirts (parasitic and commensal)
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order)
Botryllophilidae (Family)
Haplostoma eruca (Norman, 1869)
- A botryllophilid copepod
Haplostoma sp. ? in tunicate Ascidiella aspersa
- A botryllophilid copepod (Newlyn, 04.09.20)
Notodelphyidae (Family)
Doropygella psyllus (Thorell, 1859)
- A notodelphyid copepod
Doropygus pulex Thorell, 1859 ?
- A notodelphyid copepod
Notodelphys cf. caerulea - A notodelphyid copepod
Pachypygus gibber (Thorell, 1859)
- A notodelphyid copepod
A species within the notodelphyidae
- Notodelphyid copepod found at Newlyn Marina 29.06.16.
Other Copepods
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Gymnoplea (Superorder) > Calanoida (Order) > Pontellidae (Family)
Anomalocera patersoni Templeton, 1837
- A surface living (neustonic) copepod
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Harpacticoida (Order) > Dactylopusiidae (Family)
Dactylopusioides macrolabris (Claus, 1866)
- Copepod mining the brown algae Dictyota dichotoma
Diarthrodes feldmanni Bocquet, 1953
- Copepod mining the red algae Cryptopleura ramosa
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Harpacticoida (Order) > Harpacticidae (Family)
Tigriopus brevicornis (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A harpacticid copepod associated with Ulva intestinalis
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Monstrilloida (Order) > Monstrillidae (Family)
Cymbasoma species from Newlyn Marina 11.10.16
- A monstrillid copepod
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Enteropsidae (Family)
Enterocola sp. - Enteropsid copepod, a tunicate parasite
Enteropsis roscoffensis Chatton & Brément, 1909
- An enteropsid copepod
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder) > Mytilicolidae (Family)
Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer, 1902 - Mussel red worm
or Red worm disease (of Mussels)
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder) > Rhynchomolgidae (Family)
Paranthessius anemoniae Claus, 1889
- A rhynchomolgid copepod parasitic of Anemonia
viridis, the Snakelocks anemone
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Entobiidae (Family)
Entobius sp.?
- Entobiid copepod, endoparasitic in the polychaete worm Polycirrus
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Mesoglicolidae (Family)
Mesoglicola delagei Quidor, 1906 - An endoparasite of Corynactis viridis, Jewel anemone.
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Rhynchomolgidae (Family)
Doridicola aff. agilis Leydig, 1853
- A copepod parasite on the Sea slug Janolus cristatus
Ectoparasitic copepod of genus Doridicola or
Anthessius on nudibranch Polycera quadrilineata
Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Eubranchus doriae - Penzance, 30.07.18
Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Eubranchus farrani - Newlyn, 15.08.17
Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Facelina auriculata - Newlyn, 10.08.18
Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Facelina annulicornis - Newlyn, 10.08.18
Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Trinchesia foliata - Newlyn, 10.08.18
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Splanchnotrophidae (Family)
Lomanoticola brevipes (Hancock & Norman, 1863) ?
- A splanchnotrophid copepod in sea slug Facelina bostoniensis, Newlyn, Cornwall. 06.06.15.
Splanchnotrophus gracilis Hancock & Norman, 1863
- A splanchnotrophid copepod on Acanthodoris pilosa
Splanchnotrophus willemi Canu, 1891 ?
- A splanchnotrophid copepod in Ancula gibbosa
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order) > Asterocheridae (Family)
Asterocheres species on sponge
- An asterocherid copepod
Possibly a small species of Asterocheres
on the sponge Aplysilla rosea
- An asterocherid copepod
Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order) > Nicothoidae (Family)
Sphaeronella danica Hansen, 1897 ? - Parasitic nicothoid
copepod, host amphipod Monocorophium acherusicum
Sphaeronella gottoi O'Reilly, 2001 ? - Parasitic nicothoid copepod in ostracod Cylindroleberis mariae host
Various un-identified copepods
Copepod species from Newlyn, Cornwall. 04.06.16.
Copepod species from Newlyn, Cornwall. 15.10.18.
Copepod found on washing Psammechinus miliaris,
Green sea urchin, 05.08.17.