Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- on piece of Nemalion
helminthoides, Sea Noodles 2
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- under microscope 1
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- under microscope 2
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- with 0.01mm division rule 1
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- under microscope 3
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- under microscope 4
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- under microscope 5
Calothrix sp., C. parasitica ?
- Nemalion helminthoides 1
The species here was found on Sea Noodles / Threadweed, Nemalion helminthoides, that was found on a rock on the lowershore at Skilly, south of Newlyn, Cornwall, 16.08.18. The piece of Nemalion on which the cyanobacteria was found was covered in numerous epithytes, these included Polysiphonia, Ceramium and Myriotrichia clavaeformis.
Calothrix parasitica is reported as found in Nemalion multifidum in "A Handbook of the British Seaweeds" by Lily Newton, 1931. However, given recent advances in science and the increasing number of species of Calothrix known to science, identification to species level is probably impossible without a DNA test.