An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

Marine / intertidal sampling methods (Sampling method images)
NEW SECTION - Section under development

Some of the marine and intertidal sampling methods sometimes used to retrieve specimens for identification and photography.

The idea behind the following pages is to provide images and information on how samples and specimens can be collected with a minimal amount of equipment. Sampling is largely undertaken to collect small or microscopic animals, or ones with microscopic identification features, so the pages here are probably more useful to those with access to a microscope, although some species may be identified with a good hand lens.

Sifting fine sand for benthic invertebrates and
polychaete worms at Penzance, Cornwall.

Scrape sampling biofouling from artificial concrete structures like marinas, piers and slipways.

Weed washing for sea slugs (heterobranchs) at marinas.

Scrape sampling and fouling on old timber
and tyre fenders / buffers 17.01.17.

Samples of marine fauna from crab
and lobster pots and creels.

Marine / intertidal sampling methods images UK